SHSUK Swap Shop

03 Mins
Swap shop clothing rack

Is your wardrobe stuffed full of clothes you hardly wear? Are you swamped in styles that don't suit you but are too good to throw away? Would you like to update your wardrobe for the new season, but in a more sustainable way that helps reduce waste?

Second Hand Styling UK is an ever-evolving platform dedicated to the world of pre-loved fashion. Come to our Clothes Swap event and exchange your unwanted items for gorgeous new-to-you pieces! We're raising money for charity too!

Its a non-profit event to promote recycling and reuse of fashion and help you refresh your wardrobe in a beautifully sustainable way through a guilt free shopping experience - what's not to love!

You don't need a million to look like a million...

How it works

The concept is simple: you bring clothes you no longer wear and swap them for clothes other people no longer wear. Clothes swaps are a great way of refreshing your wardrobe without buying new - conscious fashion that keeps the thrill in style!

  • The event will take place on Saturday,11th December 2021, in the downstairs room at Green and Co, Moss Lane, Altrincham, WA14 1BA. Its starts at 11:00hrs and finishes at 17:00hrs.

  • Bring up to 10 items of good quality clothes, shoes or accessories, freshly cleaned and ready to go on the racks. Women's, men's and children's of all sizes are welcome.

  • Exchange the items for tokens when you arrive. Our Swap Shop Assistants will assess the items and give you a swap card with the relevant number of tokens (1 item = 1 token).

  • Browse the rails and exchange your tokens with a Swap Shop Assistant for new-to-you items to add to your wardrobe.

You will need a ticket to attend the event. This allows you to exchange up to 10 items at the event.

Tickets are limited and can be booked through our Eventbrite page HERE at a cost of £8

What to bring

  • Items need to be clean and of good quality without marks, stains, tears or bobbles.
  • Ask yourself - would you give this to a friend? Is this something that you think someone would be thrilled to re-home?
  • Please, no PJs, pierced jewellery, underwear or anything you wouldn't want to take home yourself!

Sorry, but we won't be able to accept items brought to the event that do not meet the above criteria.

Other info

Reasonable donations will be considered for any items left over during the last hour of the day.

Unfortunately, we can't accept returns and tokens are only valid at this event. If you don't find any new-to-you items you want to swap your tokens for, you are welcome to swap for the items you originally brought with you, that is, if they have not already been claimed by someone else. Or else, why not gift the tokens to someone else at the event?

A bag, a pair of shoes, a suit jacket, a pair of suit trousers are each equivalent to one item.

All profit and most items left over after the event will be donated to Smart Works Greater Manchester. Smart Works Greater Manchester supports women from across all Greater Manchester boroughs and the wider North West and from a range of different backgrounds and age groups into employment by providing coaching so they feel more confident and start believing in their own ability to succeed.

A huge thank you goes to Green & Co for supporting this event, and for providing the clothes rails.

End note

Roughly 10% of the world's carbon emissions are from the fashion industry* and it is estimated that 336,000 tonnes of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK every year, and that's not even including the amount of water and other pollutants new clothes create. So let's break up with fast fashion and hopefully make some new friends while we're at it! Grab those pre-loved outfits/dresses/jumpers (and your friends!) to join us on Saturday 11th of December 2021 to swap them for fabulous 'new' ones!

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